Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day!

Today is election day! Me and Brian stood in line for an hour and a half waiting to vote this afternoon. It had been rainy all day and it had stopped so we took advantage of it and ran to the poll. But.... It started raining on us. We got pretty wet but Brian never fussed or anything! We met some guy who was running for something. School board? No.. Something else. I had never heard of him. But Brian was a very good boy! We finally got inside and into the booth. Brian liked playing with the bottom of the curtain while I voted. He almost pulled it down twice! Oops. But he was good! On our way back to the car, we saw and shook hands with Congressman Randy Forbes. That was pretty exciting. I wish I had been able to take a picture. Oh well... maybe in 4 years..